Viollet le Duc was clearly much influenced by Victor Hugo's masterpiece Notre Dame de Paris, particularly its evocation of grotesques, in stone and in human form- the former as gargoyles and the latter as the novel’s hero Quasimodo and the destitute inhabitants of the nearby "Cour de miracles". As a consequence, we have been gifted the many curious figures adorning Notre Dame today, alongside near worship of french royalty and more traditional expressions of biblical piety.
Perhaps one of the wonders of the fire disaster was the de-installation of the famous apostles who climbed towards the base of the spire, always highly visible with their green copper sheen. In restoration when the fire started, they have now been returned to their original coloring, which disappoints me personally, but is part of restoring Notre Dame so that we can see it as “new” both from its gothic origins, as well as its 19 Century embellishments.
I am looking forward to these being revealed shortly.
© Paul Grayson